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Hi, folks! It’s time for another Classics Club Spin! By now, you know the drill: participants post a list of 20 books on their Classics Club list. On Sunday… Read more “The Classics Spin #24”


Dear Jokha, Celestial Bodies (2018, tr. Marilyn Booth. Original: Sayyidat al-Qamar, 2010) revolves around a family and their household members, in an Omani village, in the late 20th… Read more “Their movement through life is invisible”


Jokha Alharthi (1978) is an Omani writer. She has a PhD in Classical Arabic Poetry from the University of Edinburgh, and currently works as an associate professor of Arabic Literature… Read more “Jokha Alharthi”

原子加速– 原子加速器3.2


原子加速– 原子加速器3.2

原子加速– 原子加速器3.2

原子加速– 原子加速器3.2

原子加速– 原子加速器3.2

原子加速– 原子加速器3.2


原子加速– 原子加速器3.2

原子加速– 原子加速器3.2


“It is best for us to continue in the belief that Eve actually ate an apple, and immediately ruined Adam in consequence! I like this belief, too, it speaks so well for the progressive power of women.” – 26 July 1857, ‘Early journalism’, in The Morgesons and Other Writings


The sadness of others one should leave alone. It is a small garden, a fragile delicate Arcadia, one should not disturb it. –  蚂蚁vp(永久免费)

Fleur Jaeggy


Jokha Alharthi - Jokha Alharthi (1978) is an Omani writer. She has a PhD in Classical Arabic Poetry from the University of Edinburgh, and currently works as an associate professor of Arabic Literature… Read more 免费翻国外墙的app
蚂蚁vp(永久免费) 蚂蚁加速官网 - Dola de Jong (born Dorothea Rosalie de Jong, 10 October 1911 – 12 November 2003) was a Dutch writer. Born to a wealthy Jewish family in The… Read more "Dola de Jong"
Auta de Souza - Auta de Souza (Auta Henriqueta de Souza, (12 September 1876 — 7 February 1901) was a Brazilian writer born in Macaíba, in Rio Grande do Norte. When… Read more "Auta de Souza"
Ariana Harwicz - Ariana Harwicz (1977) is an Argentine writer. She studied screenwriting and acting in Argentina and then earned a degree in performing arts from the University of Paris VII.… Read more "Ariana Harwicz"
蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn - Lorraine Hansberry (Lorraine Vivian Hansberry, May 19, 1930 – January 12, 1965) was an African-American writer and playwright. Lorraine Hansberry was the youngest of four children. Her… Read more "Lorraine Hansberry"

Magic Lantern

Marriage Story (2024)




Olivia (The Pit of Loneliness, 1951)



A Quiet Passion (2016)




About this [blank] garden

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– Anne Sexton, in a letter to W. D. Snodgrass, in 1958.
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This is my blank space. A white page, as good as a garden covered in snow, not yet cultivated, but with some strong Spring hidden within; something simple, clean, yet to be stained; a seed with some flower all curled up inside, first waiting, then slowly unraveling.

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